We are pleased to announce that MSA has a small pool of travel funding available to assist selected applicants attend the conference in Prague 2025; given limited funding, this process is necessarily competitive. The maximum amount you can apply for is 1000 Euro.
We prioritize early career professionals, those without Institutional funding, and those residing in lower-income countries. We also consider the originality of the planned presentation.
To apply for a Travel Grant please fill in the following form.
Please complete the form using data (name, surname, paper title & abstract, etc.) identical to those entered upon proposal submission and upload your CV (pdf) at the end of the form.
You can apply for both, the travel grant and the conference fee waiver.
The submission deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025.
Grant recipients will be notified in the second half of March.
Application to conference registration fee waivers ONLY
We can offer additional conference fee waivers for low-income participants.
To apply ONLY for a fee waiver please fill in the following form.
Please complete the form using data (name, surname, proposal ID, paper title & abstract, etc.) identical to those entered upon proposal submission and upload your CV (pdf) in the second section of the form.
The deadline to apply for a conference fee waiver is February 14, 2025.
Fee waiver recipients will be notified in the second half of March.
All travel grant and conference fee waiver applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the MSA Travel Grant and Fee Waiver Committee for the MSA Prague Conference 2025.
For information about Special Gerda Henkel Travel Grants for Memory Scholars at Risk scholarship please click here