General Information 

Where can I find the latest information about the conference? 

All updates can be found on our Conference website, as well as on our social media. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter! 

Can I post about the conference on my social media?

Yes, you can! If you do so, please be mindful and use the hashtag #MSAPrague2025.


Does the conference have an online or hybrid component? 

No. The MSA 2025 Prague conference is organised in a fully on-site format. Online participation is not permitted. 


What is the language of the conference? 

Our conference is organised on an international level, and all events will be in English. For technical and financial reasons, we are unfortunately unable to provide translations. 


How much is the conference fee?

Further information about the conference fee will be published on our Conference website. Please note that to participate in the conference, you must be a member of the MSA. You can become a member after your paper has been accepted. Find out more about being an MSA member here

Where can I find the conference programme? 

The conference programme will be publicly available on our conference website at a later date.

What is MSA Forward?

The MSA Forward is a pre-conference workshop for postgraduate (PhD) researchers to present their work in a constructive environment, allowing them to engage with other scholars in their field and to receive feedback from established academics. Please note the MSA Forward is for pre-selected applicants only. 

More information about the MSA Forward will be published at a later date.

Using the Conference Website

I forgot the password to my account. What should I do? 

Click on "Login" in the main menu and then click on "Forgot your password?".

I want to change the password. How can I do that? 

Go to My Dashboard and click "Change Password" below your picture.

How do I add/change my photo?

To update your profile picture go to My Profile. Hover your mouse over the picture and click "Browse".


How should I add/correct my affiliation? 

Go to My Profile and scroll down to the form with your personal information. Make the changes and click "Update Profile" at the bottom of the page. 

Travel Grants and Waiver Fees 

Are there any travel grants or registration fee waivers available?

While we cannot cover the cost of delegates' participation in the MSA Conference, we appreciate the financial hardship many of our members are experiencing. We offer a few competitive travel grants for postgraduate students and low-income researchers, and it is also possible to apply for conference registration fee waivers. More information about the application process and deadline will be available on this website at a later date. 

Website & technical requirements 

What is Dryfta? 

Dryfta is an event management software that we use to organize the conference. While registering for the event, you are also creating an account on the website where you will be able to see the programme and connect with other participants. 


I am having trouble logging in. What should I do?

Please check which email address you used to create your account. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the reset password function. 

If you still cannot log in, and have tried using a different browser, please contact the Dryfta technical support team: support@dryfta.com.



What should I do if I have other questions?

Please contact us at pragueconference@memorystudiesassociation.org  with questions regarding the conference and for MSA-related matters (including membership fees), please contact info@memorystudiesassociation.org.  


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